PySyft is a Python library for secure and private Deep Learning. It uses Federated Learning, Differential Privacy, and Encrypyted Computation to decouple private and sensitive data. It can be used within the major Deep Learning Frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch.
The first part of this guide will show you how to install PySyft using Anaconda, as referenced here:
Step 1: Install Anaconda (
To check that Anaconda is installed, type:
conda -V
Step 2: Set up a virtual environment:
I recommend using python 3.8 through 3.10
conda create -n env python=3.8 anaconda
conda activate env
Step 3: Install PySyft
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install jupyterlab
pip install syft
Currently, the stable version of PySyft is 0.6.0, so if you want to use the latest version from docker you can instead use:
pip install --pre syft
The second part of this guide will show you how to use Hagrid to do deployments in PySyft, using PyGrid, as referenced here:
Hagrid is a command-line tool that speeds up the deployment of PyGrid, the software providing a peer-to-peer network of data owners and data scientists who can collectively train AI models using PySyft.
Hagrid is able to orchestrate a collection of PyGrid Domain and Network nodes and scale them in a local development environment (based on a docker-compose file). By stacking multiple copies of this docker, you can simulate multiple entities (e.g countries) that collaborate over data and experiment with more complicated data flows such as SMPC.
Step 4: Install Docker and Docker Compose. Docker Compose comes with Docker Desktop on MacOS, which you can install here:
If you are on Windows or Linux OS, follow the instructions in the article above. To test this, type the following command.
docker compose version
Step 5: Install tox for testing purposes
pip install tox
Step 6: Install Hagrid
pip install hagrid
Step 7: Launch domain node to certain repository and branch
hagrid launch domain to docker:8081 --tag=latest --repo --branch dev
If you are on MacOS, you might need to change your Memory to 8 GB for Docker Desktop, under the Preferences — Resources tab. To test out this command more simply, feel free to just run
hagrid launch domain
This can take 5 to 10 minutes to run (or a bit longer on MacOS, as linux is preferred). To view the status of your containers, just run
If ctop is not installed, to install ctop on MacOS run
brew install ctop
You should be able to see the following containers:
backend-1, backend_stream-1, celeryworker-1, db-1, docker-host-1, frontend-1, proxy-1, queue-1, redis-1, seaweedfs-1, tailscale-1
To do a healthcheck, type:
hagrid check localhost:8081
You should see this output (though ideally with more green checks):
┃ PyGrid ┃ Info ┃ Status┃
│ Host │ localhost:8081 │ ❌ │
│ UI │ http://localhost:8081/login │ ✅ │
│ API │ http://localhost:8081/api/v1 │ ✅ │
│ SSH │ hagrid ssh localhost:8081 │ ❌ │
│ Jupyter │ http://localhost:8081:8888/ │ ❌ │